When You Want a WordPress Theme for Fast Food Restaurants

Why look anywhere else? This collection is exactly what you need to make short work of setting up a great looking website. https://templified.com/fast-food-restaurant-wordpress-themes/ Pizza or burgers, Mexican food or sushi, it's all goin…

Some links I'd like to save.

No clue. I'm trying again. Will this work? Okay, it was actually there, it just didn't appear when I looked. Still getting the hang of this website, I guess. You can ignore this post, it's simply an archive of some stuff that I want to rem…

Welcome to Templified's Home Page on Hatena

I've just begun my new website, it's called Templified. I'm really hoping this becomes a fantastic place for WordPress theme reviews, free themes and more. Check out my home page and let me know what you think about it. Templified.